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  1. Access U.K. & Scotland Newspapers

    Alternative titles: also known as 'NewsBank Access U.K. & Scotland Newspapers'

    Description: Hundreds of local and national newspapers from Scotland and the UK. Each newspaper has its own distinctive focus offering a variety of viewpoints on local and world issues. Paid advertisements are excluded and time coverage varies.

    Publisher: Newsbank

    Full text: Yes

    Subjects: Newspapers

    Access: Please log in or join the Library for access.

  2. ACM Digital Library

    Description: More than 3 million publications covering computing and information technology topics. This full-text digital library includes the complete collection of ACM's (Association for Computing Machinery) publications, including journals, conference proceedings, magazines, newsletters, multimedia titles and the Guide to Computing Literature bibliography.

    Coverage: 1954-

    Publisher: Association of Computing Machinery

    Full text: Yes

    Subjects: Science, Journals

    Access: Please log in or join the Library for access.

  3. Africa and the New Imperialism

    Description: A resource for researching Africa’s encounters with European imperialist regimes and their impact on the lives of peoples across the continent. Contains rare printed works, diaries and journals, correspondence, maps, photographs, and film footage.

    Coverage: 1870-1914

    Publisher: Adam Matthew Digital

    Full text: Yes

    Subjects: History

    Access: Please log in or join the Library for access.

  4. African American Newspapers (series 1)

    Description: Chronicles 150 years of African American history and culture from more than 280 newspapers. Created in partnership with historical societies and the Library of Congress, and taken from newspapers published in the 19th and 20th centuries, this resource documents African American experience

    Please note that access is also available for Series 2, 1835-1956

    Coverage: 1827-1998

    Publisher: Readex

    Full text: Yes

    Subjects: Newspapers, History

    Access: Please log in or join the Library for access.

  5. African American Newspapers (series 2)

    Description: Chronicles 150 years of African American history and culture from more than 70 newspapers. Created in partnership with historical societies and the Library of Congress, and taken from newspapers published in the 19th and 20th centuries, this resource documents African American experience

    Please note that access is also available for Series 1, 1827-1998

    Coverage: 1835-1956

    Publisher: Readex

    Full text: Yes

    Subjects: Newspapers, History

    Access: Please log in or join the Library for access.

  6. American Chemical Society Journals

    Alternative titles: also known as 'ACM journals'

    Description: More than 40 research journals on chemical and related sciences. This digital library is published by the American Chemical Society.

    Coverage: 1996-

    Publisher: American Chemical Society

    Full text: Yes

    Subjects: Science, Journals

    Access: Please log in or join the Library for access.

  7. Ancestry

    Alternative titles: also known as 'Ancestry Library Edition'

    Description: Online family history resource, providing access to family history via documents that record the lineage of individuals from the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Europe, Australia, and other locations.

    Onsite access only

    Publisher: Proquest

    Full text: Yes

    Subjects: Family History

    Access: Access to this resource is restricted to our Edinburgh reading rooms and to Kelvin Hall, Glasgow.

  8. Antique Map Price Record

    Alternative titles: also known as 'AMPR'

    Description: Describes antique maps, atlases and chart and gives their sale value, with information taken from more dealer and auction catalogues. Contains more than 230,000 records gathered over 30 years.

    Coverage: 1980-

    Publisher: EBSCO

    Subjects: Reference Works, Catalogues & Bibliographies

    Access: Please log in or join the Library for access.

  9. Archive of the British Association for the Advancement of Science - Collections on the History of Science (1830s-1970s)

    Alternative titles: also known as 'Wiley Digital Archives: British Association for the Advancement of Science'

    Description: Documents the history of science in the UK and the country's development into a globally competitive centre for science. This archive from the British Association for the Advancement of Science (BAAS) covers astronomy, biology, technology, industrial design, chemistry, engineering, mathematics, agriculture, meteorology, and physics. It contains administrative records, correspondence, illustrations, manuscripts, photographs, prototypes, clippings and personal papers.

    Coverage: 1831-

    Publisher: Wiley

    Full text: Yes

    Subjects: Science

    Access: Please log in or join the Library for access.

  10. Archives of Sexuality and Gender

    Alternative titles: also known as 'Gale Primary Sources: Archives of Sexuality and Gender'
    previously known as 'Archives of Sexuality & Gender: LGBTQ History and Culture Since 1940'

    Description: Supporting research into the history of sex, sexuality and gender, this resource includes items from collections spanning 1940 to 2014. It includes materials to examine how sexual norms have changed over time, sexual health and hygiene, the development of sex education, the rise of sexology, changing gender roles, social movements and activism, erotica, and other topical areas. Materials are sourced from the Lesbian Herstory Archives, the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender Historical Society, and New York Public Library, the London School of Economics, and the National Institutes of Health.

    Publisher: Gale

    Full text: Yes

    Subjects: History

    Access: Please log in or join the Library for access.

  11. BBC Horizon Collection

    Description: The BBC's Horizon TV programme reveals the science behind a broad range of topics, including the environment, perception, space exploration, wellbeing, and more. Spanning the years from 2009 onwards, this collection is a comprehensive run of recent years of the series, currently containing over 170 episodes.

    Publisher: Alexander Street Press

    Full text: Yes

    Subjects: Social Sciences

    Access: Please log in or join the Library for access.

  12. Black Newspaper Collection

    Alternative titles: also known as 'ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Black Newspaper Collection'

    Description: Material from nine newspapers chronicling African American culture, history, civil rights and everyday life.The newspapers were published in the United States and cover more than 110 years of reporting.

    Coverage: 1893-2005

    Full text: Yes

    Subjects: Newspapers, History

    Access: Please log in or join the Library for access.

  13. Bloomsbury Fashion Central

    Description: A digital hub for interdisciplinary research in fashion and dress. Content includes reference works, articles, e-books, case studies, biographies, video content, photos from fashion shows, and tens of thousands of images.

    Bloomsbury Fashion Central contains 5 collections:
    - Berg Fashion Library
    - Fairchild Books Library
    - Bloomsbury Fashion Business Cases
    - Bloomsbury Fashion Photography Archive
    - Bloomsbury Fashion Video Archive

    Publisher: Bloomsbury

    Full text: Yes

    Subjects: Reference Works, Art & Design

    Access: Please log in or join the Library for access.

  14. Brill Journals Collection

    Description: Hundreds of journals covering the arts and humanities, health and life sciences, engineering and technology, science and the social sciences.

    Coverage: 2000-

    Publisher: Brill

    Full text: Yes

    Subjects: Social Sciences, Science, Journals, History, Art & Design, Literature

    Access: Please log in or join the Library for access.

  15. British and Irish Women's Letters and Diaries

    Description: A digital library of letters and diaries written by British and Irish women. Covering more than 400 years of writing, it also includes biographies.

    Coverage: 1500 to 1950

    Publisher: Alexander Street Press

    Full text: Yes

    Subjects: History, Literature, Biography

    Access: Please log in or join the Library for access.

  16. British diplomacy with America and Ireland, an Ambassador’s letters, 1909-1962

    Alternative titles: previously known as 'Correspondence of Arthur C. Murray, 3rd Viscount Elibank'

    This resource is part of: British Online Archives

    Description: The papers of Arthur C. Murray (1879-1962), soldier, Scottish Liberal politician and friend of US President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Murray was an MP, Foreign Secretary and military attaché, and his correspondence with Roosevelt in the lead up to World War II is a highlight of this digital library.

    Coverage: 1909 to 1962

    Full text: Yes

    Subjects: Government & Official, Americana, History, Biography

    Access: Access to this resource is restricted to our Edinburgh reading rooms and to Kelvin Hall, Glasgow.

  17. British History Online

    Description: British and Irish history from medieval times to the current day. This digital library contains thousands of texts, maps and images.

    Full text: Yes

    Subjects: History

    Access: Please log in or join the Library for access.

  18. British Library Newspapers, Parts 1 & 2

    Alternative titles: previously known as '19th Century British Library Newspapers, Parts 1 & 2'
    also known as 'Gale Primary Sources: British Library Newspapers'

    Description: More than 70 Scottish and UK national and local newspapers published in the 1800s. This full-text digital library of 19th century newspapers contains complete runs of national, regional and rural daily and weekly publications from Scotland, England, Ireland, and Wales.

    Coverage: 1800 to 1900

    Publisher: Gale

    Full text: Yes

    Subjects: Newspapers, History

    Access: Please log in or join the Library for access.

  19. British Literary Manuscripts Online c.1660-1900

    Description: Over 600,000 pages of manuscripts from major British writers, including poems, plays, novels, diaries and correspondence. This full-text digital library provides an intimate look into the lives and works of authors from the 1600s to 1900.

    Coverage: 1660 to 1900

    Publisher: Gale

    Full text: Yes

    Subjects: History, Literature, Biography

    Access: Please log in or join the Library for access.

  20. British Newspaper Archive

    Description: More than 600 British newspapers, dating from 1710 to the present day.

    This resource has a concurrent user limit of 5 - please try again later if you cannot get access.
    Please complete personal registration and login to access full-text.

    Findmypast provided offsite access while Covid-19 restrictions applied but this is no longer available - more information about library access (opens in new window)

    Coverage: 1710 onwards

    Full text: Yes

    Subjects: Newspapers, History, Family History

    Access: Access to this resource is restricted to our Edinburgh reading rooms and to Kelvin Hall, Glasgow.

  21. British Online Archives

    This resource includes: Scottish trade with Africa and the West Indies in the early 18th century, 1694-1709
    British diplomacy with America and Ireland, an Ambassador’s letters, 1909-1962
    The East India Company: Corrupt Governance and Cruelty in India, 1806-1814
    India, uprising and reform, 1879-1910: in the records of the Governor-General

    Description: Extensive collection of full-text British historical archives. Includes : British diplomacy with America and Ireland, an Ambassador’s letters, 1909-1962; Scottish trade with Africa and the West Indies in the early 18th century, 1694-1709; India, business and control, 1806-1814: in the records of the Governor-General, and; India, uprising and reform, 1879-1910: in the records of the Governor-General

    Full text: Yes

    Subjects: Government & Official, History

    Access: Access to this resource is restricted to our Edinburgh reading rooms and to Kelvin Hall, Glasgow.

  22. British Periodicals Collection I

    Description: Digitised page images and access to the searchable full text of hundreds of magazines and journals from the late seventeenth century to the early twentieth. Topics covered include literature, philosophy, history, science, the social sciences, music, art, drama, archaeology and architecture.

    Publisher: Proquest

    Full text: Yes

    Subjects: Newspapers, Journals, History

    Access: Please log in or join the Library for access.

  23. British Standards Online

    Alternative titles: also known as 'BSOL'

    Description: Over 90,000 British, adopted European and international standards. Includes past, present and draft standards (BS, BS/EN, BS/ISO, BS/EN/ISO).

    Now available for an unlimited number of concurrent users

    Full text: Yes

    Subjects: Government & Official, Reference Works

    Access: Please log in or join the Library for access.

  24. Cambridge Books Online

    Description: Over 2,000 e-books from Cambridge University Press, including more than 100 open access books.

    Coverage: 2005, 2006, 2012, 2013 and open access

    Publisher: Cambridge University Press

    Full text: Yes

    Subjects: Business, Social Sciences, Science, E-books, History

    Access: Please log in or join the Library for access.

  25. Cambridge Journals Online

    Description: Hundreds of peer-reviewed journals from Cambridge University Press. Subjects include humanities, life sciences, mathematics, science, engineering medicine, social sciences, humanities and law.

    Full text: Yes

    Subjects: Business, Social Sciences, Science, Journals, History

    Access: Please log in or join the Library for access.

  26. Caribbean newspapers, 1718-1876

    Alternative titles: also known as 'Caribbean Newspapers, Series 1, 1718-1876: From the American Antiquarian Society'

    Description: Over 60 newspapers from 22 Caribbean countries published in the 18th and 19th centuries. Created in partnership with the American Antiquarian Society.

    Publisher: Readex

    Full text: Yes

    Subjects: Social Sciences, Newspapers, History

    Access: Please log in or join the Library for access.

  27. Climate Change and Law Collection

    Description: A comprehensive collection of material from a range of organisations across the world, focusing on the implications that climate change has on human rights and laws at all levels, from local to global.

    Publisher: Brill

    Full text: Yes

    Subjects: Science

    Access: Please log in or join the Library for access.

  28. COBRA : the Complete Business Reference Adviser

    Description: Useful for new and existing business owners, this service includes business start-up guides, regulatory factsheets, industry reports and updates. Also contains information helpful for preparing marketing or business plans.

    Publisher: Cobweb

    Full text: Yes

    Subjects: Business

    Access: Please log in or join the Library for access.

  29. Cold War Intelligence

    Alternative titles: also known as 'Cold War intelligence online: the secret war between the U.S. and the USSR, 1945-1991'

    Description: A full-text collection of 2,360 formerly classified U.S. government documents (most of them classified Top Secret or higher) which provides readers with the declassified documentary record about the successes and failures of the U.S. intelligence community in its efforts to spy on the Soviet Union during the Cold War.

    Coverage: 1945- 1991

    Publisher: Brill

    Full text: Yes

    Subjects: Government & Official, History

    Access: Please log in or join the Library for access.

  30. Complete dictionary of scientific biography

    This resource is part of: Gale eBooks

    Description: An online dictionary providing information on the history of science through articles on the professional lives of scientists. All periods of science from classical antiquity to modern times are represented.

    Publisher: Gale

    Full text: Yes

    Subjects: Reference Works, Science, Biography

    Access: Please log in or join the Library for access.