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Browse by category - Newspapers

  1. Access U.K. & Scotland Newspapers

    Alternative titles: also known as 'NewsBank Access U.K. & Scotland Newspapers'

    Description: Hundreds of local and national newspapers from Scotland and the UK. Each newspaper has its own distinctive focus offering a variety of viewpoints on local and world issues. Paid advertisements are excluded and time coverage varies.

    Publisher: Newsbank

    Full text: Yes

    Subjects: Newspapers

    Access: Please log in or join the Library for access.

  2. African American Newspapers (series 1)

    Description: Chronicles 150 years of African American history and culture from more than 280 newspapers. Created in partnership with historical societies and the Library of Congress, and taken from newspapers published in the 19th and 20th centuries, this resource documents African American experience

    Please note that access is also available for Series 2, 1835-1956

    Coverage: 1827-1998

    Publisher: Readex

    Full text: Yes

    Subjects: Newspapers, History

    Access: Please log in or join the Library for access.

  3. African American Newspapers (series 2)

    Description: Chronicles 150 years of African American history and culture from more than 70 newspapers. Created in partnership with historical societies and the Library of Congress, and taken from newspapers published in the 19th and 20th centuries, this resource documents African American experience

    Please note that access is also available for Series 1, 1827-1998

    Coverage: 1835-1956

    Publisher: Readex

    Full text: Yes

    Subjects: Newspapers, History

    Access: Please log in or join the Library for access.

  4. Black Newspaper Collection

    Alternative titles: also known as 'ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Black Newspaper Collection'

    Description: Material from nine newspapers chronicling African American culture, history, civil rights and everyday life.The newspapers were published in the United States and cover more than 110 years of reporting.

    Coverage: 1893-2005

    Full text: Yes

    Subjects: Newspapers, History

    Access: Please log in or join the Library for access.

  5. British Library Newspapers, Parts 1 & 2

    Alternative titles: previously known as '19th Century British Library Newspapers, Parts 1 & 2'
    also known as 'Gale Primary Sources: British Library Newspapers'

    Description: More than 70 Scottish and UK national and local newspapers published in the 1800s. This full-text digital library of 19th century newspapers contains complete runs of national, regional and rural daily and weekly publications from Scotland, England, Ireland, and Wales.

    Coverage: 1800 to 1900

    Publisher: Gale

    Full text: Yes

    Subjects: Newspapers, History

    Access: Please log in or join the Library for access.

  6. British Newspaper Archive

    Description: More than 600 British newspapers, dating from 1710 to the present day.

    This resource has a concurrent user limit of 5 - please try again later if you cannot get access.
    Please complete personal registration and login to access full-text.

    Findmypast provided offsite access while Covid-19 restrictions applied but this is no longer available - more information about library access (opens in new window)

    Coverage: 1710 onwards

    Full text: Yes

    Subjects: Newspapers, History, Family History

    Access: Access to this resource is restricted to our Edinburgh reading rooms and to Kelvin Hall, Glasgow.

  7. British Periodicals Collection I

    Description: Digitised page images and access to the searchable full text of hundreds of magazines and journals from the late seventeenth century to the early twentieth. Topics covered include literature, philosophy, history, science, the social sciences, music, art, drama, archaeology and architecture.

    Publisher: Proquest

    Full text: Yes

    Subjects: Newspapers, Journals, History

    Access: Please log in or join the Library for access.

  8. Caribbean newspapers, 1718-1876

    Alternative titles: also known as 'Caribbean Newspapers, Series 1, 1718-1876: From the American Antiquarian Society'

    Description: Over 60 newspapers from 22 Caribbean countries published in the 18th and 19th centuries. Created in partnership with the American Antiquarian Society.

    Publisher: Readex

    Full text: Yes

    Subjects: Social Sciences, Newspapers, History

    Access: Please log in or join the Library for access.

  9. Economist Historical Archive, 1843-2014

    Description: Every issue of The Economist magazine from 1843 to 2014.

    Coverage: 1843 to 2014

    Publisher: Gale

    Full text: Yes

    Subjects: Business, Newspapers, Journals, History

    Access: Please log in or join the Library for access.

  10. Factiva

    Description: A news and business search service covering over 14,000 leading newspaper titles, news sources and company information from around the world. Click on publisher link below to view a list of the sources covered (you may need to save the document first).
    Maximum of 3 concurrent users. Please try again later if you cannot access the resource.
    Note: If using Chrome you may experience intermittent problems when accessing the resource outside our George IV Bridge building and Kelvin Hall.

    Coverage: 1997 onwards

    Publisher: Proquest-Dow Jones

    Full text: Yes

    Subjects: Business, Newspapers

    Access: Please log in or join the Library for access.

  11. Illustrated London News Historical Archive, 1842–2003

    Description: Includes every published issue, from the first in 1842 to the last in 2003. Covers a wide range of subject areas, combining information and the power of pictures to provide a unique perspective on many aspects of modern life.

    Full text: Yes

    Subjects: Newspapers, Journals, History

    Access: Please log in or join the Library for access.

  12. Infotrac Custom Newspapers

    Description: Over 70 newspapers from the UK and Ireland. It contains more than 30 newspapers from Scotland and many international titles.

    Publisher: Gale

    Full text: Yes

    Subjects: Newspapers

    Access: Please log in or join the Library for access.

  13. Scotsman Digital Archive, 1817-1950

    Description: Every issue of The Scotsman newspaper, from 1817 to 1950, in its original published context. This is a full-text digital archive.

    Coverage: 1817 to 1950

    Publisher: Proquest

    Full text: Yes

    Subjects: Newspapers, History

    Access: Please log in or join the Library for access.

  14. Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century Burney Newspapers Collection

    Alternative titles: previously known as '17th and 18th Century Burney Newspapers Collection'
    also known as 'Burney collection'
    also known as 'Gale Primary Sources: Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century Burney Newspapers Collection'

    Description: 17th and 18th century newspapers, broadsides and news pamphlets from the Burney Collection. Gathered by the Reverend Charles Burney (1757 - 1817), this collection represents the largest single collection of early English newspapers from London, the British Isles and the colonies, containing almost 1 million pages and 1,270 titles.

    Until 31st December 2023, users affiliated to a further or higher education institution can access this resource outwith the Library

    Coverage: 1604 to 1804

    Publisher: Gale

    Full text: Yes

    Subjects: Newspapers, History

    Access: Please log in or join the Library for access.

  15. Times Digital Archive, 1785 - 2014

    Alternative titles: also known as 'The Times'
    also known as 'The London Times'
    also known as 'TDA'

    Description: A digital archive of The (London) Times newspaper containing pages from every issue from 1785 to 2014. This historical newspaper archive allows researchers an unparalleled opportunity to search and view the best-known and most cited newspaper in the world online in its original published context.

    Coverage: 1785 to 2014

    Publisher: Gale

    Full text: Yes

    Subjects: Newspapers, Journals, History

    Access: Please log in or join the Library for access.

  16. Times of India

    Description: The world's most widely circulated English daily newspaper was founded in 1838 to serve British residents of western India. This archive contains material from the first issue up till 2010, covering a range of key historical events

    Coverage: 1838-2007

    Publisher: Proquest

    Full text: Yes

    Subjects: Newspapers, History, Biography

    Access: Please log in or join the Library for access.

  17. Waterloo Directory of English Newspapers & Periodicals, 1800-1900

    Alternative titles: also known as 'Directory of English Newspapers & Periodicals, 1800-1900'

    Description: Series 2: an online bibliographic database of 50,000 Victorian newspaper and periodical publications, with 48,000 personal names, 4,572 issuing bodies and 756 subjects.

    Library users have extended access until 31 July 2024

    This includes access to a further 23,000 publications, 20,000 personal names, 1,728 issuing bodies and 244 subjects through Series 3 (opens in new window), and Waterloo Directory of Scottish Newspapers & Periodicals, 1800-1900 (opens in new window)

    Publisher: North Waterloo Academic Press

    Subjects: Newspapers, Reference Works, Journals, Catalogues & Bibliographies, History

    Access: Access to this resource is restricted to our Edinburgh reading rooms and to Kelvin Hall, Glasgow.